Social Work‘s Role in Online Hate Speech Prevention



The research described in this article considers online hate speech from a social work perspective. It focuses on perpetrators of online hate speech, working with the rationale that finding out who is committing online hate speech and understanding their reasons and motivations can be beneficial when planning preventative measures. The two main research questions are: 1. Which factors contribute to posting online hate speech? 2. What role can social work play in the prevention of online hate speech? Initially the article makes clear why social work should be concerned with the issue of online hate speech. After a short overview of several theoretical approaches that could be used to understand what drives people to post hate online the results of the research are presented. The relatively high proportion of older and retired people committing online hate speech is one thought-provoking discovery. It can be shown that resentment over perceived injustices, ignorance of legal aspects relating to hate speech regulation, as well as a lack of media literacy are all key factors contributing to online hate speech. More generally, developments in modern neoliberal society were thought to play a significant role. Areas where social work, on the micro, mezzo and macro level, could play a role in prevention are presented and discussed. 

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