Die Bedeutung von Zugehörigkeitsansätzen in der sozialarbeiterischen Beratung von jungen Frauen und Mädchen, die von Zwangsheirat bedroht oder betroffen sind


Forced marriage is a significant global phenomenon that also poses challenges for social work in order to create effective interventions. This article is based on my master’s thesis, which examines questions of belonging(s) in the context of social work counselling. Interviews with female experts indicate that questions of belonging play a role, particularly in intra-family conflicts, accompanied by ambivalent feelings towards family and the self-identification of clients. The article examines approaches of belonging in our migration society, with a particular focus on women and girls affected by forced marriage. It thus demonstrates the necessity of moving away from simplistic categorizations such as ‘migration background’ and embracing a more nuanced understanding of belonging(s).

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